Let's Talk Menopause
Let's Talk Menopause

In Let’s Talk Menopause, host Dr. Tara Allmen provides viewers with the tools every woman needs to enter this phase of her life triumphantly. There’s no better time than now to get educated–an estimated 6,000 women reach menopause every day in the U.S., and by 2025, over 1 billion women in the world will be experiencing menopause.
In this one-hour documentary special, Dr. Allmen, alongside other women’s health experts, explains common symptoms, health risks and therapeutic options. Also, women share their first-hand experiences, personal journeys and successful strategies for navigating through perimenopause and menopause. “We can’t be afraid to talk about it; the more informed women are, the better their menopausal years will be,” says Allmen.
Tara Allmen, MD, is one of America’s leading experts in midlife women’s health. She is a board certified Gynecologist and NAMS (North American Menopause Society) Certified Menopause Practitioner. Dr. Allmen has educated thousands of medical professionals and women about perimenopause and menopause.
Lea Furutani
Dr. Tara Allmen
Science, Lifestyle
Production Company
Studio Six, WGBH Boston
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